Our mission
Our aim is to reach out to weaker and unprivileged persons of the society and to propagate aspirational values among youth.
In our mission, we will rapidly expand skill development efforts in India by creating an end-to-end, outcome-focused implementation framework, which aligns the demands of the employers for a well-trained, skilled workforce with the aspirations of Indian citizens for sustainable livelihoods. Our website will create an end-to-end implementation framework for skill development, which provides opportunities for life-long learning and opportunities for quality long and short-term skill training that meets the aspirations of trainees. Outcome focused training will align employer/industry demand and workforce productivity with trainees for sustainable livelihoods. We will help the workers in organized and un-organized sectors to gain formal sector employment.
And, build capacity for skill development in organized and un-organized sectors, and provide pathways for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in these identified sectors, to enable them to transit into formal sector employment through a developed network of quality instructors. In turn, we will establish this ecosystem through high-quality teacher training institutions and leveraging existing public infrastructure and industry facilities.